In 1954, in Guatemala a legally elected Government of President Jacobo Arbenz was overthrown by an invasion force of mercenaries trained by the C.I.A. at military bases in Honduras and Nicaragua and supported by 4 American Fight planes flown by American pilots. The Invasion put into power Colonel Carlos Castillo Armas who had at one time received military training at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
The U.S. over threw a Democratic elected Government. President Jacobo Arbenz was a left-of-center Socialist. What was unsettling to American business interests was that President Arbenz had expropriated 234,000 acres of land owned by United Fruit. Pres. Arbenz offered compensation to the United fruit Company that was unacceptable to them. After the C.IA. invasion when Colonel Armas took over he gave the land back to United Fruit and abolished the tax on interest and dividends to foreign investors. The Colonel eliminated the secret ballot and jailed thousands of political critics.
Today, the right wing press is criticizing President Obama for going to a meeting of the "America's Summit". At this Summit Chavez shook Obama's hand and gave him a book (I know this book could have lies in it). However, the way America treated South American countries during the "Cold War" was something that we all should be ashamed of. When convenient the U.S overthrow democratically elected Governments
The way to peace is understanding. The way to peace is not threats. President Obama wants to hold out his hand to countries to help bring about peace and understanding to our world.