Thursday, May 21, 2009

The same old Republican Party ( Dick Chaney)

Former Vice President Dick Chaney spoke on television in response to President Obama's speech on Torture, Gitmo
the the former Vice president went on to list the Terrorists attacks on America.
the first World Trade center Bombing in the 90s (he forgot to mention the perpetrators were caught, tried and jailed.)
He also mentions the bombing of the Marine Barracks in Lebanon and the killing our soldiers there.
(he forgot to mention that President Regan saw we were up against maniacs and pulled our troops out of Lebanon, or you could say Regan cut and ran.)
He went on to mention the attack on the US ship the Cole.
He mentioned these and more to justify America disregarding the Geneva Convention Laws against Torture.
In doing so he justified the Japanese, and German torturing of our troops.
He said a country has the right to do what it must to protect it citizens.
He mentioned that there were 3 water boardings, a blatant lie. (he did not mentioned that information obtained by torture, in many cases, was not able to be used because it was unreliable information.)
We can see where the Grand Old Party is now. Back to the Bush years.
His speech was so predicable with such old ideas.
If the Republican Party wants to remain in the past by parading Vice President Chaney around we know that a vote for the Republicans is more of the past policies of America which the voters showed they do not want. The Republican party is so bankrupt of ideas all it can do is tell us scary stories of Terrorism.
Yes the Party of "the mistakes we made in the past. No new ideas."

Nancy Polosi.

Nancy Palosi has said that the C.I.A. misled her during security briefs.
The bankrupt Republican Party has had much to say about this.
So has the C.I.A sometimes mislead us

Were there WMDs in Iraq. Was Iraq making a nuclear weapon as the C.I.A. reported
in 2002? We were told that Iraq was seeking weapon grade Plutonium in Africa.

The Gulf of Tonkin resolution was passed, staring the Viet Nam war .
The report filed by the C.I.A filed saying that an American ship was attacked by the Viet Cong
was a lie. There was no attack and we went to war in Viet Nam.

These are just 2 examples where the C. I A. got into a war under false pretences

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


President Obama will close Guantanamo bay Gulag (oops Prison)
He will begin the precess of choosing which prisoners are to be tried in the U.S. While Terrorists with known ties terrorist association will be facing a Military Tribunal. I believe we could use the Military Tribunal for all the prisoners.
Republicans say we should not bring terrorists to our country. They say keep Gitmo open
When we kidnapped (oops arrested) people in Afghanistan and Iraq didn't we ask their names and keep track of what county they came from?
After nearly 8 years we should have been able to identify those who were actually active in Terrorism.
We don't have to release anyone into the U.S.
We should be able to, by military Transport, return innocent prisoners to their country.
Do we know where they are from? Do we even know their names.
Gitmo is a shame and should never been open buy the Bush/Chaney administration.