Monday, August 31, 2009

Don't investigate the C.I.A

There are plans to investigate the C.I.A. and prosecute them for violation concerning integration methods,I am a liberal but I am against this investigation.
The C.I.A. was acting within the law at the time of the alleged actions.
I do not favor of torturing prisoners but "sleep deprivation is not torture
Why, at this time give our enemies more to use against us. Why, give them more to use in the recruitment of new terrorists.
To investigate and make public the actions taken by the C.I.A. is a big mistake.
9/11 was traumatic for Americans including people in the C.I.A.
Yes we need to establish guidelines for the actions of interrogation.
The past is over. We cannot change what was.
The wise man looks for solutions the foolish man only blame.
Lets not destroy the moral of the brave men and women in the C.I.A.
Lets not give aid to the terrorists

Thursday, August 27, 2009


May it never be forgot, that once there was a spot, for one brief shining moment that was known as Camelot."

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Senator Ted Kennedy 1932-2009

Senator Ted Kennedy Died today. A feeling of lose fills my being.
Ted Kennedy cared for the poor and the workers of America.
A man who believed America could change for the good.
A man who knew that war was not the answer.
A man who believed in diplomacy as a first responder.
A man who opposed the Iraq invasion
A man who opposed the Viet Nam folly
A man who care for the voiceless in our society who had no health care.
A man who reached across the isle, in the senate, and worked with Republican and Democrats.
A man who could work with someone who used his name negatively in campaign adds.
A man who was a blessing to the American people. A leader who accepted service to the country

Take a moment to remember all the good done by Ted Kennedy who understood the words: "Love you neighbor as yourself. "

Don't let it be forgot, that once there was a spot, for one brief shining moment that was known as Camelot."

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Connected with all that is.

For Governing a country
There is nothing better than moderation.
Weapons are tools of a fear
a decent man will avoid them
except in the direst emergency.
If compelled will use them only with
the utmost restrain.
If peace has been shattered how can he be content.
His enemies are not demons but humans like himself.
He should not rejoice in victory and delight in the slaughter of men.


Give evil nothing to oppose Be simple in all actions and thoughts
and it will disappear on it own. patient with both friends and enemies
When a nation is centered on the You are in accord with the way things are.
Divine universe It will nourish its and will reconcile all beings in the world
own people and will not meddle in
the affair of other nations.
Then it will be a light to all Nations in the world
With compassion you can reconcile all beings
Be simple in actions and in thoughts,
return to the source of your being.
Be in accord with the way things are.
in the world