Here in Central Florida there are 4 talk radio station
540 AM
660 AM
580 AM
AND 1190 AM - part talk radio during the afternoon and Christian Radio other times
so you see all I can listen to is Neil Bortz, Sean Hannity, Rush, and Michael Savage.
Yes all these stations encouraged the people to disrupt the town meeting with lies that they purpotrated about the Health care system.
Well the Town meeting people have succeded. It looks like there will be no Public option on the Health Bill and no meaningful changes in our Health Care system.
These conservative people on all 4 stations were for the Invasion of Iraq. Now they hint at bombing Iran.
Yet on all 4 you can hear advertisements for "Christian School" and Christian Churches in the area. This tells us what the Average Christian listens to.
How can Christians be for War, For bombing innocent people in Iran. They are so militaristic. What ever happened to the scripture Love they Enemy as you love yourself". God help us all if you we dont love one another and know that we are all one in the Eternal.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
why Would the Russians supply the Taliban with weapons
There was a report on Conservative Radio today that the Russans would sell Surface to Air Missels to the Taliban. Why would they supply the Taliban when so many brave soldiers of Russia died there fighting the Taliban.There was a report of a Russian Arms dealer caought trying to sell arms to terrorists. Russia need to crack down on such people in their We need to improve our relationship with Russia and convince them to help us defeat the Taliban. The US did supply the Taliban with weapons and Surface to Air missels when Russia was there. If we did not do this the Taliban would not be problem today and we would not have suffered the events on 9/11/2001. So many of our countries problems are from a messed up forigh policy. I pray the troops in Afganistan and Iraq will return home soon and that they are safe. We cannot police the world alone.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Can we do it. End the Nuclear Era
President Obama called on the world today to end the "Era of Nuclear Weapons"
In his speech he quoted Ronald Reagan on Nuclear disarmament.
"No one can win a nuclear war. Counties should work together toward a day where all Nuclear Weapons will be outlawed."
President Obama called for the countries of the world to work together toward a nuclear free world.
Thank God we have a President who seeks peace and brotherhood of all people.
In his speech he quoted Ronald Reagan on Nuclear disarmament.
"No one can win a nuclear war. Counties should work together toward a day where all Nuclear Weapons will be outlawed."
President Obama called for the countries of the world to work together toward a nuclear free world.
Thank God we have a President who seeks peace and brotherhood of all people.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
I agree with 2 things said on the Mike Gallagher show today.
Oh no I agree with conservative radio.
Actually, just 2 things.
1 Jimmy Carter is incorrect on his statement that the demonstrators in the Tea Party March on Washington were motivated by Black hatred. It is not prejudice that brought them out.
2. These demonstrators were in their rights to let the government know what they thought.
We all have that right and I know I have used it. They should not be singled out, by the press, to be questioned about their motives.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Remember and Pray
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Florida school Parents are upset

Well President Obama intends to address the Students of America on September 8Th.
My wife teaches in a grammar school in central Florida. Parents are saying "that they do not want their children exposed to the Presidents speech".
They are threatening to keep their children home from school if the Presidents speech is shown to the children of the school.
I cannot believe this is happening. When George Bush read to students in schools around the country no one called in the say they would keep their child home.
George Bush Senior spoke to 7-12 graders about Physical Fitness when he was President.
No one objected to this.
Right wing Conservatives are motivated. They have gotten their way. My wifes school will not be showing the Presidents speech on the T.V.s in the classrooms.
The Right knows how to affect our lives and insist on thier view as the only view for America.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Another poorly planned program

The program, drew buyers into quiet showrooms by offering up to $4,500 toward new, more fuel-efficient cars and trucks. The rebates gave automakers and dealers a much-needed lift, spurring 690,114 new sales, many of them during August, at a taxpayer cost of $2.88 billion..
However, the Cars that sold were Ford, Honda, Toyota, while Chrysler and General Motors sales dropped last month.
Why didn't the Cash for Clunkers program only apply to American Car manufactures?
This would have helped the American Auto Manufactures with their cash flow problems.
There is no reason it had to apply to foreign auto manufactures.
This should have been a program to get Americans to buy from American auto Manufactures.
We loaned money to GM and Chrysler and we should have helped them with their bottom line.
I am not saying it is wrong to buy a Toyota, BMW, Mercedes. I am just pointing out that the rebate money was from our tax dollars and should have helped American Auto Makers increase their profits. Billions of Dollars was given to them and this program could have helped them pay back some of the money.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Can you just hear Sean Hannity And Rush Limbaugh

The Republican Party may go backwards in 2012 if the election turns to national Security , Obama is mired in a no-win war in Afghanistan, and the economy has improved for middle class Americans If jobs don't increase and unemployment decrees by 201,1 after indebting the nation for generations, maybe Dick Cheney could run on a theme of "Change". Yes they are considering this. This has been hinted at in the Republican Party.
Talk about going backwards. Would we Americans elect Dick Chaney now that we know he was the author of the Iraq war. This is scary stuff isn't it.
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