Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Bush lost the war on Terror
Can the U.S. do what Genghis Khan, the British and the Russian could not do.
Win in Afghanistan. Why don't the people take care of themselves/
Bush pulled most of the troops out of Afghanistan to fight the illegal war in Iraq.
What is left to do now?
Win in Afghanistan. Why don't the people take care of themselves/
Bush pulled most of the troops out of Afghanistan to fight the illegal war in Iraq.
What is left to do now?
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Religion in America
IN Colorado a monument was erected to remember the soldier of WW 1.
A large cross was part of the display. The parks department did not object.
A Buddhist temple wanted to erect a Buddha there for the same reason
The Govt. Parks department turned them down. Now is that right?
A large cross was part of the display. The parks department did not object.
A Buddhist temple wanted to erect a Buddha there for the same reason
The Govt. Parks department turned them down. Now is that right?
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Conservative radio where Christians advertise
Here in Central Florida there are 4 talk radio station
540 AM
660 AM
580 AM
AND 1190 AM - part talk radio during the afternoon and Christian Radio other times
so you see all I can listen to is Neil Bortz, Sean Hannity, Rush, and Michael Savage.
Yes all these stations encouraged the people to disrupt the town meeting with lies that they purpotrated about the Health care system.
Well the Town meeting people have succeded. It looks like there will be no Public option on the Health Bill and no meaningful changes in our Health Care system.
These conservative people on all 4 stations were for the Invasion of Iraq. Now they hint at bombing Iran.
Yet on all 4 you can hear advertisements for "Christian School" and Christian Churches in the area. This tells us what the Average Christian listens to.
How can Christians be for War, For bombing innocent people in Iran. They are so militaristic. What ever happened to the scripture Love they Enemy as you love yourself". God help us all if you we dont love one another and know that we are all one in the Eternal.
540 AM
660 AM
580 AM
AND 1190 AM - part talk radio during the afternoon and Christian Radio other times
so you see all I can listen to is Neil Bortz, Sean Hannity, Rush, and Michael Savage.
Yes all these stations encouraged the people to disrupt the town meeting with lies that they purpotrated about the Health care system.
Well the Town meeting people have succeded. It looks like there will be no Public option on the Health Bill and no meaningful changes in our Health Care system.
These conservative people on all 4 stations were for the Invasion of Iraq. Now they hint at bombing Iran.
Yet on all 4 you can hear advertisements for "Christian School" and Christian Churches in the area. This tells us what the Average Christian listens to.
How can Christians be for War, For bombing innocent people in Iran. They are so militaristic. What ever happened to the scripture Love they Enemy as you love yourself". God help us all if you we dont love one another and know that we are all one in the Eternal.
Friday, September 25, 2009
why Would the Russians supply the Taliban with weapons
There was a report on Conservative Radio today that the Russans would sell Surface to Air Missels to the Taliban. Why would they supply the Taliban when so many brave soldiers of Russia died there fighting the Taliban.There was a report of a Russian Arms dealer caought trying to sell arms to terrorists. Russia need to crack down on such people in their country.li We need to improve our relationship with Russia and convince them to help us defeat the Taliban. The US did supply the Taliban with weapons and Surface to Air missels when Russia was there. If we did not do this the Taliban would not be problem today and we would not have suffered the events on 9/11/2001. So many of our countries problems are from a messed up forigh policy. I pray the troops in Afganistan and Iraq will return home soon and that they are safe. We cannot police the world alone.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Can we do it. End the Nuclear Era
President Obama called on the world today to end the "Era of Nuclear Weapons"
In his speech he quoted Ronald Reagan on Nuclear disarmament.
"No one can win a nuclear war. Counties should work together toward a day where all Nuclear Weapons will be outlawed."
President Obama called for the countries of the world to work together toward a nuclear free world.
Thank God we have a President who seeks peace and brotherhood of all people.
In his speech he quoted Ronald Reagan on Nuclear disarmament.
"No one can win a nuclear war. Counties should work together toward a day where all Nuclear Weapons will be outlawed."
President Obama called for the countries of the world to work together toward a nuclear free world.
Thank God we have a President who seeks peace and brotherhood of all people.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
I agree with 2 things said on the Mike Gallagher show today.
Oh no I agree with conservative radio.
Actually, just 2 things.
1 Jimmy Carter is incorrect on his statement that the demonstrators in the Tea Party March on Washington were motivated by Black hatred. It is not prejudice that brought them out.
2. These demonstrators were in their rights to let the government know what they thought.
We all have that right and I know I have used it. They should not be singled out, by the press, to be questioned about their motives.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Remember and Pray
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Florida school Parents are upset

Well President Obama intends to address the Students of America on September 8Th.
My wife teaches in a grammar school in central Florida. Parents are saying "that they do not want their children exposed to the Presidents speech".
They are threatening to keep their children home from school if the Presidents speech is shown to the children of the school.
I cannot believe this is happening. When George Bush read to students in schools around the country no one called in the say they would keep their child home.
George Bush Senior spoke to 7-12 graders about Physical Fitness when he was President.
No one objected to this.
Right wing Conservatives are motivated. They have gotten their way. My wifes school will not be showing the Presidents speech on the T.V.s in the classrooms.
The Right knows how to affect our lives and insist on thier view as the only view for America.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Another poorly planned program

The program, drew buyers into quiet showrooms by offering up to $4,500 toward new, more fuel-efficient cars and trucks. The rebates gave automakers and dealers a much-needed lift, spurring 690,114 new sales, many of them during August, at a taxpayer cost of $2.88 billion..
However, the Cars that sold were Ford, Honda, Toyota, while Chrysler and General Motors sales dropped last month.
Why didn't the Cash for Clunkers program only apply to American Car manufactures?
This would have helped the American Auto Manufactures with their cash flow problems.
There is no reason it had to apply to foreign auto manufactures.
This should have been a program to get Americans to buy from American auto Manufactures.
We loaned money to GM and Chrysler and we should have helped them with their bottom line.
I am not saying it is wrong to buy a Toyota, BMW, Mercedes. I am just pointing out that the rebate money was from our tax dollars and should have helped American Auto Makers increase their profits. Billions of Dollars was given to them and this program could have helped them pay back some of the money.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Can you just hear Sean Hannity And Rush Limbaugh

The Republican Party may go backwards in 2012 if the election turns to national Security , Obama is mired in a no-win war in Afghanistan, and the economy has improved for middle class Americans If jobs don't increase and unemployment decrees by 201,1 after indebting the nation for generations, maybe Dick Cheney could run on a theme of "Change". Yes they are considering this. This has been hinted at in the Republican Party.
Talk about going backwards. Would we Americans elect Dick Chaney now that we know he was the author of the Iraq war. This is scary stuff isn't it.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Don't investigate the C.I.A

There are plans to investigate the C.I.A. and prosecute them for violation concerning integration methods,I am a liberal but I am against this investigation.
The C.I.A. was acting within the law at the time of the alleged actions.
I do not favor of torturing prisoners but "sleep deprivation is not torture
Why, at this time give our enemies more to use against us. Why, give them more to use in the recruitment of new terrorists.
To investigate and make public the actions taken by the C.I.A. is a big mistake.
9/11 was traumatic for Americans including people in the C.I.A.
Yes we need to establish guidelines for the actions of interrogation.
The past is over. We cannot change what was.
The wise man looks for solutions the foolish man only blame.
Lets not destroy the moral of the brave men and women in the C.I.A.
Lets not give aid to the terrorists
Thursday, August 27, 2009
May it never be forgot, that once there was a spot, for one brief shining moment that was known as Camelot."
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Senator Ted Kennedy 1932-2009

Ted Kennedy cared for the poor and the workers of America.
A man who believed America could change for the good.
A man who knew that war was not the answer.
A man who believed in diplomacy as a first responder.
A man who opposed the Iraq invasion
A man who opposed the Viet Nam folly
A man who care for the voiceless in our society who had no health care.
A man who reached across the isle, in the senate, and worked with Republican and Democrats.
A man who could work with someone who used his name negatively in campaign adds.
A man who was a blessing to the American people. A leader who accepted service to the country
Take a moment to remember all the good done by Ted Kennedy who understood the words: "Love you neighbor as yourself. "
Don't let it be forgot, that once there was a spot, for one brief shining moment that was known as Camelot."
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Connected with all that is.

There is nothing better than moderation.
Weapons are tools of a fear
a decent man will avoid them
except in the direst emergency.
If compelled will use them only with
the utmost restrain.
If peace has been shattered how can he be content.
His enemies are not demons but humans like himself.
He should not rejoice in victory and delight in the slaughter of men.
Give evil nothing to oppose Be simple in all actions and thoughts
and it will disappear on it own. patient with both friends and enemies
When a nation is centered on the You are in accord with the way things are.
Divine universe It will nourish its and will reconcile all beings in the world
own people and will not meddle in
the affair of other nations.
Then it will be a light to all Nations in the world
With compassion you can reconcile all beings
Be simple in actions and in thoughts,
return to the source of your being.
Be in accord with the way things are.
in the world Thursday, June 4, 2009
A man of peace

In Cairo Egypt today President Obama said, in his
Speech,today "I've come here to Cairo to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world, one based on mutual interest and mutual respect, and one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap and share common principles, principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings."
What a refreshing change from the "us and them" doctrine of the Bush years.
President Obama mentioned that the Cairo University represented tradition and progress.
He mentioned the tension between Islam and the West.
As long as as Islam and west exist by their differences there can be no progress.
There must be Conscious effort to listen to each other.
We now have a President that will be slow to anger and quick to speak the truth to all people.
Change has come.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The same old Republican Party ( Dick Chaney)

Former Vice President Dick Chaney spoke on television in response to President Obama's speech on Torture, Gitmo
the the former Vice president went on to list the Terrorists attacks on America.
the first World Trade center Bombing in the 90s (he forgot to mention the perpetrators were caught, tried and jailed.)
He also mentions the bombing of the Marine Barracks in Lebanon and the killing our soldiers there.
(he forgot to mention that President Regan saw we were up against maniacs and pulled our troops out of Lebanon, or you could say Regan cut and ran.)
He went on to mention the attack on the US ship the Cole.
He mentioned these and more to justify America disregarding the Geneva Convention Laws against Torture.
the the former Vice president went on to list the Terrorists attacks on America.
the first World Trade center Bombing in the 90s (he forgot to mention the perpetrators were caught, tried and jailed.)
He also mentions the bombing of the Marine Barracks in Lebanon and the killing our soldiers there.
(he forgot to mention that President Regan saw we were up against maniacs and pulled our troops out of Lebanon, or you could say Regan cut and ran.)
He went on to mention the attack on the US ship the Cole.
He mentioned these and more to justify America disregarding the Geneva Convention Laws against Torture.
In doing so he justified the Japanese, and German torturing of our troops.
He said a country has the right to do what it must to protect it citizens.
He mentioned that there were 3 water boardings, a blatant lie. (he did not mentioned that information obtained by torture, in many cases, was not able to be used because it was unreliable information.)
We can see where the Grand Old Party is now. Back to the Bush years.
His speech was so predicable with such old ideas.
If the Republican Party wants to remain in the past by parading Vice President Chaney around we know that a vote for the Republicans is more of the past policies of America which the voters showed they do not want. The Republican party is so bankrupt of ideas all it can do is tell us scary stories of Terrorism.
He said a country has the right to do what it must to protect it citizens.
He mentioned that there were 3 water boardings, a blatant lie. (he did not mentioned that information obtained by torture, in many cases, was not able to be used because it was unreliable information.)
We can see where the Grand Old Party is now. Back to the Bush years.
His speech was so predicable with such old ideas.
If the Republican Party wants to remain in the past by parading Vice President Chaney around we know that a vote for the Republicans is more of the past policies of America which the voters showed they do not want. The Republican party is so bankrupt of ideas all it can do is tell us scary stories of Terrorism.
Yes the Party of "the mistakes we made in the past. No new ideas."
Nancy Polosi.

Nancy Palosi has said that the C.I.A. misled her during security briefs.
The bankrupt Republican Party has had much to say about this.
So has the C.I.A sometimes mislead us
Were there WMDs in Iraq. Was Iraq making a nuclear weapon as the C.I.A. reported
in 2002? We were told that Iraq was seeking weapon grade Plutonium in Africa.
The Gulf of Tonkin resolution was passed, staring the Viet Nam war .
The report filed by the C.I.A filed saying that an American ship was attacked by the Viet Cong
was a lie. There was no attack and we went to war in Viet Nam.
These are just 2 examples where the C. I A. got into a war under false pretences
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

He will begin the precess of choosing which prisoners are to be tried in the U.S. While Terrorists with known ties terrorist association will be facing a Military Tribunal. I believe we could use the Military Tribunal for all the prisoners.
Republicans say we should not bring terrorists to our country. They say keep Gitmo open
When we kidnapped (oops arrested) people in Afghanistan and Iraq didn't we ask their names and keep track of what county they came from?
After nearly 8 years we should have been able to identify those who were actually active in Terrorism.
We don't have to release anyone into the U.S.
We should be able to, by military Transport, return innocent prisoners to their country.
Do we know where they are from? Do we even know their names.
Gitmo is a shame and should never been open buy the Bush/Chaney administration.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Obama at the 'AMERICAS SUMMIT"

In 1954, in Guatemala a legally elected Government of President Jacobo Arbenz was overthrown by an invasion force of mercenaries trained by the C.I.A. at military bases in Honduras and Nicaragua and supported by 4 American Fight planes flown by American pilots. The Invasion put into power Colonel Carlos Castillo Armas who had at one time received military training at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
The U.S. over threw a Democratic elected Government. President Jacobo Arbenz was a left-of-center Socialist. What was unsettling to American business interests was that President Arbenz had expropriated 234,000 acres of land owned by United Fruit. Pres. Arbenz offered compensation to the United fruit Company that was unacceptable to them. After the C.IA. invasion when Colonel Armas took over he gave the land back to United Fruit and abolished the tax on interest and dividends to foreign investors. The Colonel eliminated the secret ballot and jailed thousands of political critics.
Today, the right wing press is criticizing President Obama for going to a meeting of the "America's Summit". At this Summit Chavez shook Obama's hand and gave him a book (I know this book could have lies in it). However, the way America treated South American countries during the "Cold War" was something that we all should be ashamed of. When convenient the U.S overthrow democratically elected Governments
The way to peace is understanding. The way to peace is not threats. President Obama wants to hold out his hand to countries to help bring about peace and understanding to our world.
Friday, April 10, 2009
School vouchers

Many studies, like those administered by the National Assessment of Educational Progress, show that public schools are generally on equal footing with private schools. Students doing the same coursework perform about equally in both institutions. Studies that show otherwise do not take into consideration things like living condition of students, educational level of parents, learning disabilities, etc. When these things are taken into account, we get a dramatically different picture. Public school are equal to private schools. Private schools will not accept these students and they can be expelled from private schools. Why should the public pay to send any children to private schools?
Although it would be nice for poor children to attend good private schools if the parents wish, that doesn't mean that it is the government's responsibility to fund it. If private schools wish to have such children attend, they can offer scholarships. However, they do not want all the children to attend their schools. Once again it is a ploy of the right to privatize education. Public funded schools date back before our Independence.
What could be behind their desire to privatize schools? Could it be that private religious schools will teach our children to vote for Republicans?
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Kim Jong leader of NorthKorea. Dictator seeking a nuclear weapon. He ignores the U.N.
He would not join the U.N. Communist.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad leader of Iran. Called for the elimination of Israel. Holds fixed elections Seeking to make a nuclear weapon to destroy Israel. Says there was no Holocaust.
Neil Boortz Radio Host Calls Pres. Obama a socialist. Is against helping the poor.
complains that Obama want to cut our defense system. When the military budget has gone up 4%.
Rush Limbaugh Radio Host against Medicaid. Against help for the poor Calls Pres Obama a Socialist Falsely reports that the President is destroying our National defense and says the Market went up because the President is out of town and went down because the President is coming home.
Sean Hannity Radio Host Just Like Rush Limbaugh says that liberals are a threat to our Country. Will do anything to get Republicans elected .
Anne Coulter Author always refers to Democrats as ignorant. A shill for the Right Wing. Her books are
filled misrepresenting statements. Do anything to sell books. Here is a quote from her.
"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president. It's kind of a pipe dream, it's a personal fantasy of mine, but I don't think it's going to happen. And it is a good way of making the point that women are voting so stupidly, at least single women." (I am not for it but, how about taking this womens right to write books and appear on Right Wing shows like Hannity. )
Friday, March 27, 2009

The President does recognize that winning the war on Terror requires much more that just sending men and women to fight. He mentioned sending troops to train the Kabul Governments troops. He also mentioned spending money for specialists to help in Agriculture and Education.
President Obama does not hold the Fairy Tale of American style Democracy for the area. He spoke of talking to moderate Taliban members. He spoke of the Radical Terrorists in the mountains of Pakistan. At least it is clear that the Administrations objective is to go after the Terrorists.
I think we can all agree that the President does not want a long engagement in the area. He will adjust the course we take not just "stay the course" and most importantly the president is going to reach out to some of the enemy.
I realize we have to do something in that area but I fear that we can get bogged down there and loose many troops. He does not share the Fantasy that America can simply invade a country. topple it's government and set up a Western democracy. I pray this works and the troops can return home to their families.
I refer you my Post "The Soviet Union in Afghanistan" for more information on Afghanistan.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Soveit Union in Afghanistan
IN 1978 the Soviet Union went into Afghanistan. The reason they went in to Afghanistan was to fight Radical Islamic Fundamentalist. They fought with the Islamic fundamentalist to keep Russia safe from the terrorist movement that was developing in Russia's western provinces. Ofcoure it was also to expand communism. the the Soviet troop secured the Larger cities like Kabuol. They were hoping to back the Socialist movement in Afghanistan. Soviet troops would went out patrol to try to secure the rest of the country. The mountains proved hardest for them. When fired upon the Troops could not tell the direction of the attacks because of the echoing of the mountains when they were fired at them. In the interview with Soviet Vets they said that they conquered the cities and felt that they were in control. However, they soon realized that they were prisoners in the cities and would face fierce Resistance from the Radical Islamic terrorists.Soviet Vets did not know why they were there fighting and dying in such a hopeless place. They compared themselves to us Viet Nam Vets. The Radical Islamic Terrorists would mine the roads. It was so bad that the troops preferred to march and not ride in vehicles.. Their losses were many and their progress was little. The Radicals called their war effort "the war of 1000 cuts" . They would ambush the Troops and kill as many as they could. The Radical Islamic fundamentalists (terrorists) were receiving aid from the United States. The Radical Islamic Terrorists would hide amongst the Civilian population. The Soviet Troops would have to go in a city and fight a battle with many civilian casualties. Things started to improve for the Soviet Troops when Helicopter Gunships were added to their military arsenal. However, soon the Radical Islamic Fundamentalist were able to shoot the Helicopters down with the "Surface to air Missals" given to them by the United States. The war in Afghanistan war wore down the moral of the Soviet troops as they witnessed the slaughter of their fellow soldiers. 35000 soldiers died fighting the Radical Islamic Fundamentalist. The Troops were depressed and moral fell. They would compare themselves to the United States Viet Nam troops The Soviet military spent so much money Russia could never recoup that money.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Russian and American Vets in thier wars

The Russian Troops fighting in Afghanistan felt like we Viet Nam Vets. The were enormous similarities in the 2 wars.
The Islamic Fundamentalists called their war effort against the Russians "the war of 1000 cuts" . They would ambush the Troops and kill as many as they could. The Viet Cong called their war effort against the Americans "The war of 10,000 bites- The Radical Islamic fundamentalists (terrorists) were receiving aid from the United States. The war in Afghanistan war wore down the moral of the Soviet troops as they witnessed their Army slaughtered by these Terrorists. The war improved when they introduced Helicopter Gunships to the war effort. However the United States gave the Fundamentalist surface to air missals that shot down the gunships. The war cost the Soviet Unions hundreds of millions of dollars. 35,000 soldiers died protecting the Soviet Union from Radical Islamic Fundamentalist.The Russian vets compared themselves to American Viet Nam vets who lost 50,000 men in Viet Nam. These Soviet Army troops were our brothers in Sorrow.the Afghanistan vets were called "murderers" when they got home to Russia. We Viet Nam troops were also called "Murderers" when returned to United States.We were both Patriotic young men and women fighting for their Country.

Conservatives love to call themselves "Reagan Conservatives."Sean Hannity when defending himself from a caller's accusation that the National debt went up during the Bush administration said I am a Reagan Conservative. Conservative Republicans think they are such paragons of virtue and truth Let us take a look at the Ronald Reagan they have deified.
By the end of the Reagan administration , 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever to Do you Remember Casper Weinberger, or Edwin Meese to just name a few. Oliver North.
The National Debt went from 995 Billion to 2.98 Trillion The largest increase ever.
Reagan was a great statesman After President Reagan's trip to Europe President Mitterand of France asked Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau about Reagan: "What planet is he living on?" Mark Hertsgaard, wrote that "During Mr. Reagan's trip to Europe...members of the traveling press corps watched him doze off so many times – during speeches by French President Francois Mitterrand and Italian President Alessandro Pertini, as well as during a one-on-one audience with the Pope – that they privately christened the trip 'The Big Sleep.'" (On Bended Knee: The Press and the Reagan Presidency– David Nyhan, Boston Globe columnist wrote "He demonstrated for all to see how far you can go in this life with a smile, a shoeshine and the nerve to put your own fantasy on the facts."About gun in England Ronald Reagan claimed in April 1982 "In England, if a criminal carried a gun, even though he didn't use it, he was tried for first-degree murder and hung if he was found guilty". When informed that the story was "just not true," White House spokesman Larry Speaks said, "Well, it's a good story, though. It made the point, didn't it?" Reagan repeated the story again on March 21, 1986 during an interview with The New York Times. Yes he had no problem repeating a lie.
IRAN CONTRA Reagan funded the Contras in Nicaragua by with a bazaar plan to Free American Hostages held by a Lebanese Shia Islamist group. Can you remember the "Arms for hostages" scandal.
Reagan tripled the national debt, supported Apartheid, backed Saddam Heusan but oh did he make us feel good about America.
Oh we cannot forget Reagan when on the Sad day that the Marine Barracks in Lebanon was bombed by a suicide bomber Reagan made is first clear decision. He pulled all American Troops out of Lebanon. Yes my dear friends Reagan: 'CUT AND RAN'
Also, In reality, Reagan did nothing to bring down the Soviet Union. By 1980, the Soviet Union was trying to cut its own defense spending after the devastating war in Afghanistan. Islamic Fundamentalists brought down the Soviet Union See february post Soviet Union in Afghanistan.
So call yourselves Reagan Conservatives" It just just shows how out of touch with reality you are.
By the end of the Reagan administration , 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever to Do you Remember Casper Weinberger, or Edwin Meese to just name a few. Oliver North.
The National Debt went from 995 Billion to 2.98 Trillion The largest increase ever.
Reagan was a great statesman After President Reagan's trip to Europe President Mitterand of France asked Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau about Reagan: "What planet is he living on?" Mark Hertsgaard, wrote that "During Mr. Reagan's trip to Europe...members of the traveling press corps watched him doze off so many times – during speeches by French President Francois Mitterrand and Italian President Alessandro Pertini, as well as during a one-on-one audience with the Pope – that they privately christened the trip 'The Big Sleep.'" (On Bended Knee: The Press and the Reagan Presidency– David Nyhan, Boston Globe columnist wrote "He demonstrated for all to see how far you can go in this life with a smile, a shoeshine and the nerve to put your own fantasy on the facts."About gun in England Ronald Reagan claimed in April 1982 "In England, if a criminal carried a gun, even though he didn't use it, he was tried for first-degree murder and hung if he was found guilty". When informed that the story was "just not true," White House spokesman Larry Speaks said, "Well, it's a good story, though. It made the point, didn't it?" Reagan repeated the story again on March 21, 1986 during an interview with The New York Times. Yes he had no problem repeating a lie.
IRAN CONTRA Reagan funded the Contras in Nicaragua by with a bazaar plan to Free American Hostages held by a Lebanese Shia Islamist group. Can you remember the "Arms for hostages" scandal.
Reagan tripled the national debt, supported Apartheid, backed Saddam Heusan but oh did he make us feel good about America.
Oh we cannot forget Reagan when on the Sad day that the Marine Barracks in Lebanon was bombed by a suicide bomber Reagan made is first clear decision. He pulled all American Troops out of Lebanon. Yes my dear friends Reagan: 'CUT AND RAN'
Also, In reality, Reagan did nothing to bring down the Soviet Union. By 1980, the Soviet Union was trying to cut its own defense spending after the devastating war in Afghanistan. Islamic Fundamentalists brought down the Soviet Union See february post Soviet Union in Afghanistan.
So call yourselves Reagan Conservatives" It just just shows how out of touch with reality you are.

Today while watching "MORNING JOE" the subject of the greatest Generation came up yet again.
The generation that lived through the Depression.
Yes, they worked hard on public building projects and did fight a war that saved the world from Nazi domination.
They were brave and went to war in Europe with such courage and valor. We remember the vets of WWII and honor them.
but to make canonize this Generation is a mistake.
They are also the Generation that had Real Estates "Red LINE" Neighborhoods so minorities could not buy homes in white neighborhoods. In the north this was done very quietly urging real estate salespeople to not show homes to minorities that were in white neighborhoods. Banks would not give mortgages to women or minorities.
In the South this was done by state Governments to keep black out of white neighborhoods.
An African American could not vote in some states in the 50s
Lunch counters were segregated and Black people had to eat out back in some places in the south
all of this was ignored by the "GREATEST GENERATION".
The generation that lived through the Depression.
Yes, they worked hard on public building projects and did fight a war that saved the world from Nazi domination.
They were brave and went to war in Europe with such courage and valor. We remember the vets of WWII and honor them.
but to make canonize this Generation is a mistake.
They are also the Generation that had Real Estates "Red LINE" Neighborhoods so minorities could not buy homes in white neighborhoods. In the north this was done very quietly urging real estate salespeople to not show homes to minorities that were in white neighborhoods. Banks would not give mortgages to women or minorities.
In the South this was done by state Governments to keep black out of white neighborhoods.
An African American could not vote in some states in the 50s
Lunch counters were segregated and Black people had to eat out back in some places in the south
all of this was ignored by the "GREATEST GENERATION".
Women were treated like second class citizens they were accepted as Nurses or Teachers only.
In corporations were secretaries and did not have equal pay for equal work even in a factory.
This protected the White worker from minorities and women.
Women could not get loans in banks with out their husband.
It was the 60s Generation who addressed these inequalities and Marched in Large cities and the Capital urging laws to be passed for equal pay and equal employment.
Barak Obama could not have had coffee in a coffee shop in Alabama or buy a house in a white neighborhood in New York or Boston.
So before we Deify any Generation remember": we all have failed in some area of our lives
Friday, March 6, 2009
A little bit of nothing

It has been reported that John McCain lost the election because Sarah Palin was too good looking. Nothing could be further from the Truth. Sarah Palin's qualifications were not good enough to be second in charge.It was her political beliefs that hurt their chances. Palin was a conservative politician who supported the war in Iraq.
Palin was against a women's right to choose.
Palin likes to shoot wolfs from helicopters .Palin criticized people from Large Cites.
Palin could not answer questions in her interviews.
Palin wanted Public Education funds for Private schools.
The list could goes on and on and on, but not because she was pretty.
Palin was more of the same Bush Administration
Gabriel Caruso
Universal Life Press
Thursday, March 5, 2009
RUSH LIMBAUGH stated on his radio program and the Sean Hannity show "I want everything Obama's doing to fail... I want the stimulus package to fail.... I do not want this to succeed."
Last week after Rushs words were repeated in the news media some said Rush is the leader of the Republican Party. Michael Steele, denied Rush's leadership of the party by saying :"Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer,". "Rush Limbaugh, his whole thing is entertainment. Yes, it's incendiary, yes, it's ugly."
When Rush reacted to Steeles comments the GOP leader then backed down saying" he has reached out to Rush Limbaugh to tell him he meant no offense when he referred to the popular conservative radio host as an “entertainer” whose show can be “incendiary.”“My intent was not to go after Rush – I have enormous respect for Rush Limbaugh,” Steele said in a telephone interview. “I was maybe a little bit inarticulate. … There was no attempt on my part to diminish his voice or his leadership.” The Leader of the GOP apologized saying he reviewed what he originally said and did not know he that it came out like he was against Rush Limbaugh.
The Clueless Republicans have no ideas or leadership. After 8 years of Tax Cuts for the highest earning American and a Free Market we have banks failing, stock market dropping at a record rate and homes being repossessed Yet all Conservatives can say it "renew the Bush Tax Cuts"They Criticize the stimulus plan but offer no alternatives.They have no idea when it comes to fixing the economy what are the Conservative Republicans against? They are against helping the poor, health care, and home repossessions have the Christian vote but they are Darwinists" preaching 'SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST" . They think like animals but we are people with the Spirit of God in us telling us to care for one another.If you want to know what Conservatives and Republicans want for America just listen to Rush. The GOP Leader told us he does not want to do anything to diminish Rush's voice or Rush's Leadership There you have it from the GOP Rush is their leader.
Last week after Rushs words were repeated in the news media some said Rush is the leader of the Republican Party. Michael Steele, denied Rush's leadership of the party by saying :"Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer,". "Rush Limbaugh, his whole thing is entertainment. Yes, it's incendiary, yes, it's ugly."
When Rush reacted to Steeles comments the GOP leader then backed down saying" he has reached out to Rush Limbaugh to tell him he meant no offense when he referred to the popular conservative radio host as an “entertainer” whose show can be “incendiary.”“My intent was not to go after Rush – I have enormous respect for Rush Limbaugh,” Steele said in a telephone interview. “I was maybe a little bit inarticulate. … There was no attempt on my part to diminish his voice or his leadership.” The Leader of the GOP apologized saying he reviewed what he originally said and did not know he that it came out like he was against Rush Limbaugh.
The Clueless Republicans have no ideas or leadership. After 8 years of Tax Cuts for the highest earning American and a Free Market we have banks failing, stock market dropping at a record rate and homes being repossessed Yet all Conservatives can say it "renew the Bush Tax Cuts"They Criticize the stimulus plan but offer no alternatives.They have no idea when it comes to fixing the economy what are the Conservative Republicans against? They are against helping the poor, health care, and home repossessions have the Christian vote but they are Darwinists" preaching 'SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST" . They think like animals but we are people with the Spirit of God in us telling us to care for one another.If you want to know what Conservatives and Republicans want for America just listen to Rush. The GOP Leader told us he does not want to do anything to diminish Rush's voice or Rush's Leadership There you have it from the GOP Rush is their leader.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
The American Health care debate begins..........

Americans have the highest cost of Heath care in the free world.Health care in America is big business. Drug companies, Health Care Providers, Insurance companies are the only highly profitable businesses in the country.Health care in American Capitalism is a very profitable business while heath care is a service in other countries. So are we going to believe Sean Hannity or the truth of our HEALTH CARE SYSTEM? Something has to be done to improve the availability of quality Health care for Americans.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
President Obama's Speech
The President gave America the outline for economic recovery in his speech last night.
"Over the next two years, this plan will save or create 3.5 million jobs. More than 90 percent of these jobs will be in the private sector -- jobs rebuilding our roads and bridges; constructing wind turbines and solar panels; laying broadband and expanding mass transit. "
He also added there will be a plan to help, the responsible citizens, who are having problems meeting their mortgages
He also called for Health Reform. Health care in America has been a drain on so many peoples finances .
In his speech he stressed that the Government must do something to get credit restored and aid to States that are suffering from the economy.
Helping education will save many Teaching jobs as states budgets are shrinking and teacher layoffs are planned.
Investing in the education of American youth will help now and pay off double in the future.
The Government cannot stand by a let banks fail and businesses close
"Over the next two years, this plan will save or create 3.5 million jobs. More than 90 percent of these jobs will be in the private sector -- jobs rebuilding our roads and bridges; constructing wind turbines and solar panels; laying broadband and expanding mass transit. "
He also added there will be a plan to help, the responsible citizens, who are having problems meeting their mortgages
He also called for Health Reform. Health care in America has been a drain on so many peoples finances .
In his speech he stressed that the Government must do something to get credit restored and aid to States that are suffering from the economy.
Helping education will save many Teaching jobs as states budgets are shrinking and teacher layoffs are planned.
Investing in the education of American youth will help now and pay off double in the future.
The Government cannot stand by a let banks fail and businesses close
the conservative response
Gov. Jindal gave the Republican response to Obama's Economic plan. You can guess what he said: TAX CUTS -TAX CUTS -TAX CUTS.
Gov. Jindal ranted on with the old slogan of Republican party last night as he mentioned small business tax cuts, keeping the tax cuts for the rich, Small Government. The conservatives have no new ideas just the same old song. Tax cuts were in when the economy failed but they just rant on and on with the same old refrain. Socialism, bank take overs, Big Government , Socialized medicine. how many times have we heard this crap.
The Republican party has no new ideas. They are clueless.
Gov. Jindal ranted on with the old slogan of Republican party last night as he mentioned small business tax cuts, keeping the tax cuts for the rich, Small Government. The conservatives have no new ideas just the same old song. Tax cuts were in when the economy failed but they just rant on and on with the same old refrain. Socialism, bank take overs, Big Government , Socialized medicine. how many times have we heard this crap.
The Republican party has no new ideas. They are clueless.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
What is wrong with Senator McCain

Senator McCain told President Obama "Your helicopter is now going to cost as much as Air Force One," The New Fleet of Helicopters, called Marine One, were ordered by President Bush.
All Presidents have used Marine One to get to Camp David or to Air Force One.
McCain never asked President Bush why he was ordering new helicopters. President Obama even stated that he was happy with the "Marine ONE" helicopter he has now.
Such a stupid question from McClain. If he had been elected he would be flying in Marine One.
The Republicans are all just campaigning to their Conservative base.
Is this the best Republicans can come up with?
Friday, February 20, 2009
1984-Governments putting GPS systems in cars

In Oregon, North Carolina and a few other state Governments are considering installing GPS systems in cars to let the Government know the miles driven, roads used, and times a person drives their cars.
Think of it you would drive your car and when you get gas the GPS systems would determine the tax you should pay for Road usage.
We must stop this immediately. Do you want Big Brother seeing where you drive (roads used) How far you drive (mileage) and times you drive? This is none of their business.
We pay Income Tax, Home Tax, Sales Tax, and yes tolls on some roads. Now the Government wants to tax us on Road usage. these roads have been built with our tax money and we have a right to use them.
How long will it take the Government to start watching where we go and when. This is not just a new tax, it is spying on American Drivers.
Write to your Senators, Governors and congressman and say NO to Big Brother recording where we go. This is just another frightening offshoot of our High Tech society.
We all complained when the Bush administration was listening to our phone calls and watching for key words in our E Mails. Now the Government can watch where you go in cars.
Keep Government out of back seats. How would you like to be followed by a Government vehicle every time you went out in your car. This is the same thing.
.Write and call your representative now.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Say it aint so Obama. Not more war.

Prsident Barrack Obamas intends to win the war on Terror by
adding an additional 17, 000 American troops from Iraq to Afghanistan. This is a futile attempt to win a war that was lost by the Bush Administration.
The American troop level will be pushed to 55,000, in addition to 30,000 other foreign troops. Is President Obama proposing an escalation simply simply to avoid losing in Afghanistan?"
President Johnson tried the same thing in Viet Nam in 1967 this is well-documented in Daniel Ellsberg's history of the Vietnam War. These brave young troops are being asked to perform a miracle
Russia spent 10 years there with over 150 thousand troops. They secured the larger cities and became prisoners of those cities. They never could control the entire country
There has to be a way to come to terms with our enemy the radical Islamic Taliban and Al Queda.
Bush did not weed out Osama Ben Ladin's Al Queda . Instead he Invaded Iraq. This was the end of the progress on the U.S. war on Terrorism. Iraq was a strategical mistake. However, can we pick up where we left off in Afghanistan?
Pakistan made a peace treaty with the radicals in the mountain of Pakistan. Is there any way for us to come to an agreement with Moderate Taliban. How many more young brave Americans must die in the mountains of Afghanistan? Russia went home broke. Do we have an exit plan that can get us out of the area before we go broke? This is a moral question whether the expanding war in Afghanistan and Pakistan, by troop transfers from Iraq, is winnable, and in what sense?
I do not back our President on this escalation of the hostilities in Afghanistan.
Please read my post Soviet"Union in Afghanistan" Feb for more information on the futility of using our Army in that area.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Sean Hannity on Public Schools
Sean Hannity has often called Public School "Government School" This is a slur he uses for his listeners who fear Government when it comes to public education.He has said "The government has ruined the education system."
There are countless examples of excellent public schools that are accomplishing more today with their students. Schools in Florida student success on state Exams has greatly improved. Sean might want to take a look at the improvement in Public Schools before he decides that the system is in a state of "ruin."
A couple years ago two students at Cherry Creek were featured on ABC News for their work on a new treatment for muscular dystrophy. Their education is hardly in a state of "ruin."
At the same time that Sean is declaring public education "ruined," Mort Zuckerman's column in U.S. News and World Reports noted that "education is another great American success story." According to Zuckerman, "nearly 90 percent of adults today complete high school compared with 33 percent in 1947." Additionally, nearly 30% of the American population today has a college degree compared with 5 percent in 1947. This is a remarkable increase.
There are countless examples of excellent public schools that are accomplishing more today with their students. Schools in Florida student success on state Exams has greatly improved. Sean might want to take a look at the improvement in Public Schools before he decides that the system is in a state of "ruin."
A couple years ago two students at Cherry Creek were featured on ABC News for their work on a new treatment for muscular dystrophy. Their education is hardly in a state of "ruin."
At the same time that Sean is declaring public education "ruined," Mort Zuckerman's column in U.S. News and World Reports noted that "education is another great American success story." According to Zuckerman, "nearly 90 percent of adults today complete high school compared with 33 percent in 1947." Additionally, nearly 30% of the American population today has a college degree compared with 5 percent in 1947. This is a remarkable increase.
Glenn Beck on Free Enterprize.

All I have to do is switch the station on my car radio and I can listen to this diatribe against Obama's plan to save our sinking economy
Glen Beck has said on this show that the Government will social the banks and the Auto Industry. A guest on the Glen Beck show Stephen Moore said that we have not had Free Enterprise since Franklin D Roosevelt. You can read his book available on Amazon.com
That is if you are a conservative.
Here is a quote from the Glen Beck show. Moore said, when asked about the Stimulus Package and Government involvement in Banking.
MOORE: In that case what they're actually talking about is having the federal government operate, CitiBank, Bank of America, many of these other large banks that are failing, where essentially the government would own and operate the banks.
This is the kind of hysterics the Conservatives on the Radio give out daily.
Free Enterprise sounds wonderful. However, if there were more laws regulating the Stock Market and Morgage industry we might not have had our Economic Breakdown
Then there is the following statement made in the interview that every Conservative Preaches.
MOORE: You know, today is President's Day and I got this great quote from George Washington where he says that government is a fearsome master and that's something. You know, we've forgotten about what the founding fathers stood for. They stood for limited government with government standing out of the way of the free enterprise system. We don't have that anymore. We don't have free enterprise today
Yes, the Conservatives are for less Government ........then why are they so anxious to have the Government define Marriage.
That is if you are a conservative.
Here is a quote from the Glen Beck show. Moore said, when asked about the Stimulus Package and Government involvement in Banking.
MOORE: In that case what they're actually talking about is having the federal government operate, CitiBank, Bank of America, many of these other large banks that are failing, where essentially the government would own and operate the banks.
This is the kind of hysterics the Conservatives on the Radio give out daily.
Free Enterprise sounds wonderful. However, if there were more laws regulating the Stock Market and Morgage industry we might not have had our Economic Breakdown
Then there is the following statement made in the interview that every Conservative Preaches.
MOORE: You know, today is President's Day and I got this great quote from George Washington where he says that government is a fearsome master and that's something. You know, we've forgotten about what the founding fathers stood for. They stood for limited government with government standing out of the way of the free enterprise system. We don't have that anymore. We don't have free enterprise today
Yes, the Conservatives are for less Government ........then why are they so anxious to have the Government define Marriage.
Rush Limbaugh on Socialism

If you live in central Florida and you enjoy talk radio you better be able to listen to Conservatives. Rush Limbaugh said on his radio program he wished the Stimulus package failed. He continuously complains the package is the first step to socialism.
Here is what he said on Friday"Well here in I want the stimulus package to fail. 'Cause if this thing for the first time ever does what it never has done before, we're in even worse trouble. If it becomes established that the federal government and the federal government alone can manage the economy and take over the private sector, then forget it, folks. I'm looking for property in New Zealand, and I'm going to put my money in Singapore. I do not want this to succeed, and nobody who has any respect for the founding of this country and for the capitalist system, who is honest and who has looked at it, would want it to succeed either. We are being told it must succeed because it's Obama's. Well, what's such a big deal about Obama?
"If he moves to New Zealand I hope the station gives a liberal program a chance.
Here is what he said on Friday"Well here in I want the stimulus package to fail. 'Cause if this thing for the first time ever does what it never has done before, we're in even worse trouble. If it becomes established that the federal government and the federal government alone can manage the economy and take over the private sector, then forget it, folks. I'm looking for property in New Zealand, and I'm going to put my money in Singapore. I do not want this to succeed, and nobody who has any respect for the founding of this country and for the capitalist system, who is honest and who has looked at it, would want it to succeed either. We are being told it must succeed because it's Obama's. Well, what's such a big deal about Obama?
"If he moves to New Zealand I hope the station gives a liberal program a chance.
Conservatives only care about the very rich. The Top 5 % of the country has actually gotten Richer in the last 6 years.
Conservatives would like to see the rich investors buy up everything and the working class sink so low they would work for very low wages with no health insurance and die early to save the government money on Social Security.
Conservatives blame everything on Unions. Workers don't need benefits
Rush is upset about the money set aside for welfare people. He quoted "Heritage Foundation" that has asked for welfare to be done away with.
What about the war dollars we are spending in Iraq. Billions have been spent in the "War on Terrorism. I never heard any Conservative complain about War dollars being spent.
What about the war dollars we are spending in Iraq. Billions have been spent in the "War on Terrorism. I never heard any Conservative complain about War dollars being spent.
I should have invested in Defense Contract Companies in 2002. At least then I would be rich.
but I could never live with myself.
Friday, February 13, 2009
As the Economy Crumbles, so goes the days of our lives

In 2008, right before the Christmas Season, Circuit City closed it door for good.
Linen and Things went out of business also.
Office Max also closed stores in December.
Now Moody has published a list of businesses that will fold in 2009.
Here are just a few:
RITE AID has a large debt after trying to expand by acquiring Brooks and Echerd drug stores CLAIRS STORES- Maul outlets that catered to teens with a line of low end accessories
CHRYSLER CORP. Trucks consist of the bulk of their Auto sales.
DOLLAR THRIFTY a small rent a car company suffering from reduced business travel and vacation business
LOEHMANNS CAPITAL CORP. consumer cutbacks is hitting this retailer very hard.
SBARRO great Pizza but they are located inside malls and mall business is down.
SIX FLAGS consumer cutbacks hurting their business and forecast for 2009 are down.
BLOCK BUSTER Competing with cable and Direct T.V combined with consumer cutback.
KRISPY CREME Once again their expansion right before this economic breakdown.
SIRIUS SATELLITE RADIO low profit and reduced new subscribers is hurting their bottom line
These are just a few of the businesses that are in trouble in these trying times.
The Republicans playing politics appear feel no urgency in passing an economic recovery plan.
Maybe they think tax breaks can fix this Economic Breakdown.
I guess the only safe stocks to buy are the Defence Contractors and the Oil companies.
Nothing Changes.

In Central Florida, where I live, there are 3 talk radio stations. They are Clear channel and Fox affiliate. In the morning there is Glen Beck, In the Afternoon Rush, and on the drive home Sean Hannity. I enjoy talk radio when driving in my car. I am not happy that all I have to listen to is Conservative Programs. I have called to voice my opinion a few times.
Do we need to pass a law (the Fairness Doctrine) to get the Liberal side of politics today.
I feel that would be Government interference in the Free Speech area of talk radio.
I am against the Fairness Doctrine because that would create a Police Force to watch what is said on the Radio Waves.
I not happy that these stations do not have liberal commentators. I have called them to ask for Liberal Commentators be included in their programming. We who are more to the left should contact these stations and urge them to include Liberal commentators. If we all do this then the stations might listen.
Cable News, on Television, at least has 2 stations that are Left or Right. There is Fox News that is skewed to the right wing conservative and there is M.S.N.B.C. which is skewed to the right wing liberals. I would like to see this happen on in Radio News Stations. Contact the stations and call for Liberal Commentators, Air America failed because it had to start its own station.
Bringing a Government Police Force, to regulate what can be said, is not the answer.
the Radio waves are not the property of the citizens the Air is. Radio waves are created by the broadcast towers of Radio stations at great expense.
I would only ask the Conservative commentators to not bully people who call in and let them finish their thought before hanging up on them.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
President Obama Speaks to the Nation
February 10, 2009
President Obama call for immediate action on economy
Last night President Obama spoke to the country about our Economy. He stressed the need for the Government to step in and take immediate action to stem the fall of our economic system. He called for putting in money toward jobs and build up our intra-structure. He mentioned alternative energy, building of roads and bridges, helping our schools modernize for the 21st. century. modernize our Heath care system. The Stimulus package now has more tax cuts and more money to increase jobs in our nation..The Republicans have been making idle criticism of the plan calling for more tax cuts and screaming from the highest places too much Pork. That has been their plan for the Last 8 years and look what it has gotten us into. The Republicans are not looking for a solution they are preparing for their next campaign slogan: "Tax cuts for the rich." The Republicans think we can be fooled with a few more dollars in the paychecks of the people that still have jobs. One Republican said we should just give the money to the tax payers. Oh come on, would even 30,000 dollars to each of us improve the financial situation. This is just more of their thoughtless plans designed to get votes. We need our congress to come together for the good of America. Not the good of one party.This bill does not contain any real "pork projects" They cannot win with the tired old "BRIDGE TO NOWHERE" fable.The President has the countries well being in mind and has a plan to get us out of the situation the tired old Republican policies have gotten us into.
President Obama call for immediate action on economy
Last night President Obama spoke to the country about our Economy. He stressed the need for the Government to step in and take immediate action to stem the fall of our economic system. He called for putting in money toward jobs and build up our intra-structure. He mentioned alternative energy, building of roads and bridges, helping our schools modernize for the 21st. century. modernize our Heath care system. The Stimulus package now has more tax cuts and more money to increase jobs in our nation..The Republicans have been making idle criticism of the plan calling for more tax cuts and screaming from the highest places too much Pork. That has been their plan for the Last 8 years and look what it has gotten us into. The Republicans are not looking for a solution they are preparing for their next campaign slogan: "Tax cuts for the rich." The Republicans think we can be fooled with a few more dollars in the paychecks of the people that still have jobs. One Republican said we should just give the money to the tax payers. Oh come on, would even 30,000 dollars to each of us improve the financial situation. This is just more of their thoughtless plans designed to get votes. We need our congress to come together for the good of America. Not the good of one party.This bill does not contain any real "pork projects" They cannot win with the tired old "BRIDGE TO NOWHERE" fable.The President has the countries well being in mind and has a plan to get us out of the situation the tired old Republican policies have gotten us into.
Republicans in Congress
"Here comes old flattop
he come grooving up slowly
He got joo-joo eyeball,
He one holy roller
He say one and one and one is three
Got to be a joker
he do just what he please.
Come together right now over me. (our country)
Come together right night over me."(our country) r
From the Beatles song "Come Together"
he come grooving up slowly
He got joo-joo eyeball,
He one holy roller
He say one and one and one is three
Got to be a joker
he do just what he please.
Come together right now over me. (our country)
Come together right night over me."(our country) r
From the Beatles song "Come Together"
President Obama's Stimulus Package has come under attack by conservative Republicans.They object to contraceptives to be given out in schools. they object to the money given to the arts Some Republicans are against the transfer of wealth to the corporations that are failing. I can understand that the Republicans do not want all the Pork that the package contains. Health care, etc. Republicans would like to see more tax relief arguing we can not spend our way out of this recession.While the Auto industry goes further into debt and the Credit industry is still faltering Congress still does not have a bill passed. The bill does contain 500 dollar tax cut for people earning under 75,000 and $1000 for families earning up to $150,000 dollars.The Republicans say that their plan would give families an average of $1700 in savings. Which way should we go? Would it be better putting more money in helping industry build back up, or put more money in individuals hands and hope they spend the way to recovery?There must be help for the banking system if we are going to get out of this recession. In addition, there must be loans available to the the Auto Industry and concessions made by the unions. 300 billion would go to helping the States with their budgets. We need a package passed as soon as possible, but it should not contain giving out contraceptives to high school students. This should be a stimulus package to aid companies and banks to get us back on track for a prosperous America. Now is not the time to add on to this bill for projects that do not improve the economy. adding Pork to the bill is not popular at this time and the Democrats should not use this bill to finance pet projects. Some Conservatives have said giving tax breaks to individuals help the Free Market System correct itself. The answer lies somewhere between the 2 proposals.
Gabriel Caruso Unviersal Life Press
Gabriel Caruso Unviersal Life Press
The Fall of the Soviet Union

Russia spent hundreds of Millions fighting the Fundamentalists in Afghanistan. They were never able to recoup Financially. The Soviet Union fell.
Yes, Regan did not bring about the collapse of Communism. Radical Islamic Fundamentalist bankrupted the Soviet Union.
America's mindless hate of Communism during the "Cold War" led us to back the very people that were able to fly planes into the World Trade Center.
We aided our worst enemy, to fight the spread of Communism, and we reaped the payment of our policies on 9/11/01.
Our economy is in shambles. could it be that the Radical Islamic Fundamentalist" know that they can defeat western capitalism by bankrupting American
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Our 44th President Barrack Obama

President Obama, at his inauguration, quoted from the New Testament ''when I was a child I acted as a child" a clear statement against old partisan politics of the 60s. President Obama began this week with a dinner for John McCain and 20 Conservative politicians were in attendance. President Obama reached out to the conservatives to give him their view on issues facing America.
The 60's thinking of "us and them" was wrong. the new generation wants our government united.
We must put away the things that divide us. I applaud our new President for his desire to forge ahead united for the good of the country. He appears to be willing to work with both sides of the congress.
President Obama has shown, in his speech, he will treat the rest of the world with respect:
" To the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect. To those leaders around the globe who seek to sow conflict, or blame their society's ills on the West — know that your people will judge you on what you can build, not what you destroy. To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history; but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist.To the people of poor nations, we pledge to work alongside you to make your farms flourish and let clean waters flow; to nourish starved bodies and feed hungry minds. And to those nations like ours that enjoy relative plenty, we say we can no longer afford indifference to suffering outside our borders; nor can we consume the world's resources without regard to effect. For the world has changed, and we must change with it.
The 60's thinking of "us and them" was wrong. the new generation wants our government united.
We must put away the things that divide us. I applaud our new President for his desire to forge ahead united for the good of the country. He appears to be willing to work with both sides of the congress.
President Obama has shown, in his speech, he will treat the rest of the world with respect:
" To the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect. To those leaders around the globe who seek to sow conflict, or blame their society's ills on the West — know that your people will judge you on what you can build, not what you destroy. To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history; but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist.To the people of poor nations, we pledge to work alongside you to make your farms flourish and let clean waters flow; to nourish starved bodies and feed hungry minds. And to those nations like ours that enjoy relative plenty, we say we can no longer afford indifference to suffering outside our borders; nor can we consume the world's resources without regard to effect. For the world has changed, and we must change with it.
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