In Oregon, North Carolina and a few other state Governments are considering installing GPS systems in cars to let the Government know the miles driven, roads used, and times a person drives their cars.
Think of it you would drive your car and when you get gas the GPS systems would determine the tax you should pay for Road usage.
We must stop this immediately. Do you want Big Brother seeing where you drive (roads used) How far you drive (mileage) and times you drive? This is none of their business.
We pay Income Tax, Home Tax, Sales Tax, and yes tolls on some roads. Now the Government wants to tax us on Road usage. these roads have been built with our tax money and we have a right to use them.
How long will it take the Government to start watching where we go and when. This is not just a new tax, it is spying on American Drivers.
Write to your Senators, Governors and congressman and say NO to Big Brother recording where we go. This is just another frightening offshoot of our High Tech society.
We all complained when the Bush administration was listening to our phone calls and watching for key words in our E Mails. Now the Government can watch where you go in cars.
Keep Government out of back seats. How would you like to be followed by a Government vehicle every time you went out in your car. This is the same thing.
.Write and call your representative now.
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